Busan Campus Busan Campus 메인으로 이동 About PNU About PNU Admissions Academics Research Life At PNU News & Forum Visit PNU Overview President's Office Why not PNU PNU - FOCUS PNU - MEDIA Organization Visit PNU Campus map Directions Campus map 인쇄 Campus map 메인으로 이동 About PNU Visit PNU Campus map Busan Campus Busan Campus Yangsan Campus Miryang Campus Ami Campus Busan Campus Print Download Busan Yangsan Miryang Ami Drag enable 101 102 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 301 302 303 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 318 317 401 402 403 405 406 407 408 409 410 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 501 502 503 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 601 602 603 605 606 607 608 609 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 South Gate Famer Main Gate Main Gate Moonchang Gate North Gate 511 MEMS / NANO Clean Room Bldg. MEMS/NANO Clean Room Bldg Click on a building name and you can see details and location of the building. 1 101MEMS / NANO Clean Room Bldg. 102IT Building (under construction) 103Engineering Bldg. #12 105Engineering Bldg. #3 106Hyowon Hall 107Engineering Bldg. #8 108Engineering Bldg. #9 109Engineering Central Lab 110Laboratory of EnergySystems Division 111Waste Disposal Facility 2 201Engineering Bldg. #6 202Woon Jook Jung 203Liberty Yard 204Underground Parking Lot 205Main Administration Bldg. 206Engineering Bldg. #11 207Engineering Bldg. #10 208Mechanical Technology Center 209Sangnam International House 210International Language Institute 211Child Educare Comprehensive Center 3 301Engineering Testing Bldg. 302Geotechnical Engineering Lab 303기계관 306Humanities Bldg. 307Faculty Office Bldg. 308Physics Bldg. #1 309Physics Bldg. #2 310Moonchang Hall 311Research & Lab Bldg. #2 312Core Research Facilities Bldg. 313Research & Lab Bldg. 314Information Technology Education Center 315Jayoo Hall A 316Jayoo Hall B 318자유주차장 317직장어린이집 4 401Building of Construction 402Junghak Hall 40310.16 Memorial Hall 405Engineering Bldg. #2 406Engineering Bldg. #7 407PNU Model Basin 408Engineering Bldg. #5 409Professors' Hall 410Impact load & Research Bldg. 412PNU Museum A 413PNU Museum B 414Earth Science Bldg. 415Saetbeol Hall 416Biology Bldg. 417Education Bldg. #1 418Faculty Office Bldg. #2 419Geumjung Hall 420Library #2 421Social Sicences Bldg. 422Seonghak Hall 5 501Pharmaceutical Research Bldg 502Pharmacy Bldg. 503New Pharmacy Bldg. 505Laboratory Animal Center 506Hyowon Industry-University Cooperation Bldg. 507Induck Hall 508Samaung Industry-University Cooperation Bldg. 509PNU Museum(Annex) 510Library #1 511Gymnasium 512Tennis Courts 513Parking Lot 514Business Bldg. 515Library #1 & Information Technology Center 516Economics and International Trade Bldg. 6 601Arts Bldg. 602Human Ecology Bldg. 603College of Human Ecology Laboratory Bldg. 605PNU ROTC 606Chemistry Bldg. 607Mathematics·Research Complex Bldg. 608Law Bldg. #2 609Law Bldg. 7 701Education Bldg. #2 702Fine Arts Bldg. #2 703Fine Arts Bldg. 704조형관 705Kyung-am Gymnasium FacultyResearch Center 706Kyung-am Gymnasium 707Music Bldg. 708Student Union Bldg. 709Science & Technology Bldg. 710Sports Complex 711Hyowonjae 712Woongbee Hall A 713Woongbee Hall B 714Jilli Hall Management Bldg. 715Jilli Hall Ga 716Jilli Hall Na 717Jilli Hall Da